Supporting COVID-19 vaccination efforts across Toronto

As Canada’s largest social housing provider, one of Toronto Community Housing’s (TCHC) goals is to work with our community partners to recognize and break down barriers that tenants experience when trying to access healthcare and supportive services. When COVID-19 hotspots emerged across the city through the pandemic, it was clear that marginalized communities were hit harder by the virus. That made it even more important that TCHC work on behalf of tenants to make sure they had equitable access to COVID-19 supports.
Efforts included the coordination of door-to-door COVID-19 testing at some of our seniors buildings. When vaccines became available in early 2021, we worked with our local health partners to schedule community clinics. It was important to make getting vaccinated easy and accessible. Where possible, we created opportunities for onsite clinics or door-to-door vaccination.

- TCHC supported 365 COVID-19 vaccination clinics led by our healthcare partners.
TCHC supported 25 offsite COVID-19 vaccine clinics for tenants in over 135 buildings and 340 on-site COVID-19 vaccine clinics.
- TCHC staff reached 19,040 households for telephone and in-person check-ins.
- TCHC staff facilitated 6 door-to-door COVID-19 testing events, offering testing to 1,738 tenants in the Seniors Housing Unit.
- Approximately 12,500 first and second vaccine doses were administered across the Seniors Housing Unit through onsite clinics.
In addition to COVID-19 vaccine clinics for tenants, clinics were also held for staff. These staff-facing clinics were a key deliverable to support TCHC’s policies requiring all employees, vendors and community partners to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
All COVID-19 testing and vaccination services were made possible by the partnerships and relationships built with stakeholders. Toronto Community Housing is thankful for the access to supports and services, and the collaboration of the City of Toronto, Toronto Public Health, healthcare providers and community and regional health networks, for assisting with outreach to tenants and helping make COVID-19 vaccine efforts happen.
"Tenants that attended vaccine clinics were eager, yet pleased and relieved that they were able to access COVID-19 vaccines, and clinics were available in a space where they felt safe – their buildings."

As Canada’s largest social housing provider, one of Toronto Community Housing’s (TCHC) goals is to work with our community partners to recognize and break down barriers that tenants experience when trying to access healthcare and supportive services. When COVID-19 hotspots emerged across the city through the pandemic, it was clear that marginalized communities were hit harder by the virus. That made it even more important that TCHC work on behalf of tenants to make sure they had equitable access to COVID-19 supports.
Efforts included the coordination of door-to-door COVID-19 testing at some of our seniors buildings. When vaccines became available in early 2021, we worked with our local health partners to schedule community clinics. It was important to make getting vaccinated easy and accessible. Where possible, we created opportunities for onsite clinics or door-to-door vaccination.

- TCHC supported 365 COVID-19 vaccination clinics led by our healthcare partners.
TCHC supported 25 offsite COVID-19 vaccine clinics for tenants in over 135 buildings and 340 on-site COVID-19 vaccine clinics.
- TCHC staff reached 19,040 households for telephone and in-person check-ins.
- TCHC staff facilitated 6 door-to-door COVID-19 testing events, offering testing to 1,738 tenants in the Seniors Housing Unit.
- Approximately 12,500 first and second vaccine doses were administered across the Seniors Housing Unit through onsite clinics.
In addition to COVID-19 vaccine clinics for tenants, clinics were also held for staff. These staff-facing clinics were a key deliverable to support TCHC’s policies requiring all employees, vendors and community partners to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
All COVID-19 testing and vaccination services were made possible by the partnerships and relationships built with stakeholders. Toronto Community Housing is thankful for the access to supports and services, and the collaboration of the City of Toronto, Toronto Public Health, healthcare providers and community and regional health networks, for assisting with outreach to tenants and helping make COVID-19 vaccine efforts happen.
"Tenants that attended vaccine clinics were eager, yet pleased and relieved that they were able to access COVID-19 vaccines, and clinics were available in a space where they felt safe – their buildings."