Raising fire safety awareness to tenants

Our Fire Life Safety team had a busy year of tenant education and communications in 2021.
Due in part to more tenants staying at home because of the pandemic, fires due to careless cooking remained the top cause of all fires in our buildings (35 per cent).
In response, TCHC purchased an interactive model fire safety kitchen, to be used during lobby intercepts and other events for the Fire Life Safety team to teach tenants about kitchen pot fires and electrical appliance safety. Because of pandemic restrictions on gatherings, training sessions have been delayed into 2022.
Electrical fires and careless smoking were in the top five causes of fires, with careless smoking seeing a marked decrease from 2020 (4 per cent). Only four of our top 20 fire locations had an increase in the number of fires over 2020; in 14 locations the number decreased, with one remaining the same.
Aside from the regular rotation of monthly fire safety posters sent to all buildings and digital screens, there were four pieces in TCHC’s quarterly tenant newsletter Tenant LOOP focusing on removing clutter, reducing false fire alarms, seasonal fire safety, and safe cooking. Two custom posters were sent to all buildings with tips on reducing false fire alarms and holiday decoration safety.
We launched several social media campaigns, consisting of a daily tip posted on our four TCHC social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram).

Our Fire Life Safety team had a busy year of tenant education and communications in 2021.
Due in part to more tenants staying at home because of the pandemic, fires due to careless cooking remained the top cause of all fires in our buildings (35 per cent).
In response, TCHC purchased an interactive model fire safety kitchen, to be used during lobby intercepts and other events for the Fire Life Safety team to teach tenants about kitchen pot fires and electrical appliance safety. Because of pandemic restrictions on gatherings, training sessions have been delayed into 2022.
Electrical fires and careless smoking were in the top five causes of fires, with careless smoking seeing a marked decrease from 2020 (4 per cent). Only four of our top 20 fire locations had an increase in the number of fires over 2020; in 14 locations the number decreased, with one remaining the same.
Aside from the regular rotation of monthly fire safety posters sent to all buildings and digital screens, there were four pieces in TCHC’s quarterly tenant newsletter Tenant LOOP focusing on removing clutter, reducing false fire alarms, seasonal fire safety, and safe cooking. Two custom posters were sent to all buildings with tips on reducing false fire alarms and holiday decoration safety.
We launched several social media campaigns, consisting of a daily tip posted on our four TCHC social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram).