Small steps for a big change
Ten easy ways to celebrate Earth Day
Join in on Earth Day celebrations around the world on Saturday, April 22, 2023.
Doing a small part for the planet is easy with daily intentional actions that can be incorporated into your everyday routine.
Toronto Community Housing (TCHC) is sharing ten easy ways in which you and your neighbours can celebrate Earth Day in your building and community!
1. Spring clean-up
Litter is an unwanted mess. Do your part for the environment and get your exercise by bringing a garbage bag and some gloves on your next walk outside.
Better yet, the City of Toronto's annual spring cleanup will take place on April 21 to 23, 2023. Getting involved is easy!
To register your cleanup, visit Clean Toronto Together.
2. Green your commute to work and school
Reduce your carbon footprint and save money. Start a carpool, take the bus or bike to work and/or school.
Carpooling helps to reduce pollution, cuts down on gas and oil consumption and costs (you can split these costs). To find a carpool partner, visit Smart Commute Toronto.
Bike Share Toronto users can pick up and drop off bicycles 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all year round, with plenty of locations throughout the city. Biking is a fun and easy way to get around town and explore the city.
3. Waste less water
Water is perhaps one of the most important and easiest things to conserve!
Report any leaking faucets or showerheads to the Client Care Centre immediately. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth - a running tap wastes over six litres per minute!
4. Make your own natural cleaning solutions
Clean naturally with lemon, vinegar and baking soda.
Conventional household cleaning products contain chemical components that are dangerous for your health and the environment. Make your own cleaning solution by using vinegar and warm water to clean floors.
Maintain free-flowing drains by using one cup of heated vinegar and one cup of baking soda or try making your own household cleaner by watching this video on the right.
5. Participate in TCHC's tree stewardship program
Planting a tree is a great way to celebrate Earth Day.
TCHC will be working with the City of Toronto and local non-profit Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests (LEAF) to help tenants beautify their community with the planting of trees and shrubs.
Learn more at
6. Home décor with nature
Browse the internet and be inspired – bring the outdoors inside with crafts that use nature as your medium.
Go for a walk, gather the leaves and make a wreath. Stitch a quilt using recycled fabrics. Click here for some ideas on how to bring nature into your home.
7. Preserve our lakes and oceans: use less plastic
Did you know an estimated 22 million pounds of plastic debris make their way into the Great Lakes?
Half of all plastic produced in this world is designed for single-use purposes, used just once and then thrown away.
Cut down on plastic bags and bring reusable shopping bags with you when grocery shopping. Avoid single-use utensils whenever possible. Use a reusable bottle or mug for your drinks.
The UN Environment Plastics in our Oceans website is a great place to start for more information.
8. Upcycle
Give items a second life. Reuse furniture, clothing and textiles. Buy second hand.
Organize a day to pick up used clothing or objects in your building. Bring them to a thrift store or participate in a barter activity.
Did you know that the City of Toronto runs a Sewing Repair Hub? Bring your old textiles and make new clothes out of them. If you have a bike that needs repair, the City of Toronto also runs a Bicycle Repair Hub which provides residents with access to tools, equipment and supplies.
More information can be found on the City of Toronto's Community Reduce Reuse Program webpage.
9. Conserve electricity
Turn off the lights when you are not in the room.
Replace your incandescent light bulbs.
Unplug electronics whenever you can.
Watch this three minute video on your left to see how you can conserve electricity in your building.
10. Drop your electronic waste or household hazardous waste at a City of Toronto Community Environment Day
The City of Toronto Community Environment Days help to reduce the amount of reusable or recyclable waste going to the landfill.
This also allows for the safe disposal of household hazardous waste. The City of Toronto Community Environment Days will run from April through July.
Thanks to the City’s Community Environment Days in 2021, the following were kept out of landfills (collected from in-community events):
- 107,775 kg of electronics
- 327,520 kg of household hazardous waste
- 102,215 kg of reusable household goods
Watch this three minute video below to see how you can reduce your waste in your building.
Did you know that TCHC has a dedicated Conservation team?
Our Conservation Team focuses on promoting building upgrades and behaviours that help our communities reduce water, energy and natural gas use, as well as engage in proper waste disposal practices.
For more information, email
Every day should be treated as Earth Day.
Daily actions can make a difference! Share your activities online using the hashtag #ConservationTCHC and inspire those around you to take action.