Tenant Service Hubs
One-stop shop for tenant services and support

TCHC continued to open new Tenant Service Hubs in communities across Toronto in 2021. Tenant Service Hubs are a key component of our new service delivery model created under TCHC’s 2019 restructuring plan.
The Hubs provide tenants with a “one-stop shop” for services and support, bringing them closer to where tenants live. Increasing access to services and supports enables tenants to get in-person service, meet with staff one-on-one, place work orders, hand in annual review paperwork, pay rent, and more.
While the ultimate vision for the Hubs is to allow tenants to drop-in during posted hours, in 2021 due to COVID-19, they were required to book an appointment in advance.
Where public safety measures allowed, we were able to have a number of memorable Hub opening events. The events were led by CEO Jag Sharma and COO Sheila Penny and included local staff, members of TCHC’s Board of Directors, local City Councillors, tenant leaders and building representatives, and other members of the community.

The Hubs provide tenants with a “one-stop shop” for services and support, bringing them closer to where tenants live.

The opening events marked the culmination of many months of hard work by staff and a key milestone in TCHC’s effort to bring services closer to its tenants. Tenant Service Hubs are continuing to open throughout 2022.
"The Tenant Service Hubs are changing the way TCHC provides services and supports to our tenants."
“The Tenant Service Hubs are changing the way TCHC provides services and supports to our tenants,” Chief Operating Officer Sheila Penny said. “Being able to provide service and support to tenants so close to their homes is all about putting tenants first. Meeting tenant needs quickly and efficiently where they live is a key component in bringing our new service delivery model to life.”
For each Hub, TCHC created a Hub Playbook, an evolving document developed in partnership with Hub staff. Each Hub Playbook serves as a key resource in helping Hub staff effectively respond to common tenant requests, understand processes, and continue to develop their collaborative skills.